Department of Islamic Philosophy

The term Islamic Philosophy refers to the philosophical thought produced within Islamic culture and
in Muslim lands. It represents a rich and inclusive facet of the Islamic intellectual heritage. A solid understanding of the nature of Islamic Philosophy is crucial for analysing the history of Islamic and Western scholarly disciplines. In the Islamic context, Islamic Philosophy is intrinsically related to the other Islamic sciences, including Kalam, Sufism, and Jurisprudence, and the discipline’s approach to many issues developed out of a cross-disciplinary context shared with other Islamic sciences. All these disciplines survey topics such as proofs for the existence of God and whether humans possess free will. In the Western context, one may see many philosophical discussions in the writings of Jewish and Christian philosophers originally based on the works of Muslim philosophers. For instance, Western philosophers from the Medieval and Early-Modern periods owe a great deal of their philosophical discussions to Islamic figures, such as Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd. The department of Islamic Philosophy offers courses on almost all philosophical topics, including logic, epistemology,
ontology, metaphysics, ethics, and politics. The department consists of three sub-fields: The History of Islamic Philosophy, The History of Turkish Thought, and Islamic Ethics.

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